Friday, May 25, 2012


It's been about 5 months since I last posted. I have been re-locating (3 times), trying to find gainful employment, and working on getting my Genealogy Accreditation.

For the past week, I have been frustrating myself with trying to write citations for the records I'm collecting. Some are easy, but when I get to the (many) online records, I can't quite figure out what to put where. Since there may be some of you out there who want to cite those online sources, I thought I'd track my trials and tribulations, and hopefully my success (somewhere in the future.)

FamilySearch is doing a great job of trying to keep up with the exploding genealogy market out there. They have put citation suggestions on the  document site and further on a related "research wiki", which is enough for me, but I'm afraid it won't satisfy the Certification Committee.

So the next thing I did was to finally install and start using my RootsMagic5,  which has a built-in citation-maker. Sounds like a snap, huh? Not so. I watched the tutorials and the webinars, which are very elementary and helpful, but when I go to put the actual information into the citation template it just doesn't come out looking like the entries in Evidence Explained, by Elizabeth Shown Mills. She has thought of just about any citation you might come up with, and RootsMagic uses her book as their foundation for the templates. But I can't get the FamilySearch documents to come out right. Maybe I'll have better luck tomorrow.

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